What is ETIAS?

European Travel Information and Authorisation System, ETIAS is an information system proposed by the EU in November 2016 to oversee the authorization of those who don’t need a visa to enter Europe. According to the proposal, ETIAS would be managed by the European border and cost guard, in collaboration with state authorities.

With an estimated cost of €212 million, the system is expected to start its operation in January 2020. The purpose of ETIAS is to enforce security in the member states and protect them from any possible threats posed by its visitors.border guardsThis proposal was raised after concerns on lack of vital information on its visa-exempted third –country nationals. There are already similar models being used in Canada, Australia, and the USA.

ETIAS Application Processes

The application process can be done online at a cost €7 for adults. Children or anyone under the age of 18 will not be charged for the application. Apart from children, anyone above the age of 70 will also be exempted from the charges.

The individuals will be required to submit some personal information, which will be processed for up to 72 hours awaiting authorization. Thereafter, the information will be run through the system and security databases to determine eligibility. In case the authorization is denied, the individual should appeal following the state laws of the individual country.


The information checklist includes personal identification information including the contacts, permanent residence address and parent information. The health checkup information should also be submitted by answering questions related to pre-existing conditions.

Also in the checklist is the travel and payment information. Other questions like presence in conflict zones and deportation are also asked. Each individual from the Visa-free third countries is expected to apply for ETIAS at least 3 days before departing for EU.

Thereafter, the holder will enjoy a validity period of 3 years from the day of issuance. In any period of 180 days, the holders will only be allowed a 90 day stay in any of the ETIAS member states.

Who will be affected by ETIAS regulations?

The citizens of 61 Visa-exempted countries will be required to apply for ETIAS. Apart from EU citizens, the following people will not be required to apply for ETIAS:

  • People who require an EU visa
  • Crew members on duty
  • Refugees residing in member states with valid documents
  • Micro-states citizens e.g. Vatican and Monaco citizens
  • Third country citizens with valid residence cards
  • Permit holders of local border traffic

For Visa/ETIAS free travels by individuals with multiple citizenships, one will be required to carry a passport issued by one of the Schengen countries.

Implications for UK travelers to the EU

In the proposal, there was no indication if this would apply to the British nationals. This might remain unclear until the article 50 is triggered to allow for any negotiations.


However, article 50 would only be triggered if Britain fulfills all the Brexit conditions.

However, you should note that ETIAS is not guaranteed entry permission into the EU borders. It only serves to speed up the border checking process, as criminals tend to exploit every loophole.